A wealth of appendixes offer provide a complete reference library of information! All of our appendixes have been updated--many are completely new!

(New appendixes are shown in bold)

1 Units of Measurement


1-1 Conversion Factors


1-2 Conversion Between Conventional and SI Units


1-3 Pounds to Kilograms Conversion


1-4 Temperature

2 Symbols and Abbreviations


2-1 Symbols


2-2 Abbreviations


2-3 Common Abbreviations Used in Writing Prescriptions

3 Medical Terminology

4 Tabular Atlas of Human Anatomy and Physiology


4-1 Basic Structures and Functions of the Body


4-2 Skeletal System


4-3 Muscular System


4-4 Circulatory System


4-5 Endocrine System


4-6 Nervous System


4-7 Reproductive System


4-8 Urinary System

5 Language Translation Guide: Spanish-French-English Equivalents of Commonly Used Medical Terms and Phrases

6 American Sign Language and Manual Communication

7 Assessment Guides


7-1 Adult Health Assessment


7-2 Pediatric Assessment


7-3 Geriatric Functional and Health Assessment


7-4 Family Assessment


7-5 Environmental Assessment

8 Normal Reference Values
   8-1 Normal Reference Laboratory Values
   8-2 Herb-Laboratory Test Interactions

8-3 Desirable Weight Tables for Men and Women of Age 25 and Over

9 Health Promotion


9-1 Child Preventive Care Time Line


9-2 Adult Preventive Care Time Line

   9-3 Canadian Immunization Guidelines

10 Nutrition


10-1 National Research Council Recommended Dietary Allowances, Revised 1989


10-2 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Canada

   10-3 Dietary Reference Intakes for the United States and Canada

10-4 Vitamins and Minerals


10-5 Daily Dietary Guide

11 Complementary and Alternative Medicine
12 Herbs and Natural Supplements
   12-1 Herbal Glossary
   12-2 Common Herbs and Supplements
   12-3 Herb-Drug Interactions

13 Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations


13-1 Formulas for Drug Calculations


13-2 IV Flow Rate Formulas

   13-3 Common Drug Interactions
   13-4 Top 200 Brand Name Drugs by Prescription
   13-5 Drug Names that Look Alike and Sound Alike
   13-6 Adverse Drug Effects During Pregnancy

13-7 FDA Pregnancy Categories

14 Infection Control


14-1 CDC Isolation Guidelines


14-2 OSHA Standard on Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens

   14-3 Immunization Agents and Immunization Schedules for Health Care Workers
   14-4 Work Restrictions for Health Care Workers (HCWs) Exposed to or Infected with Certain Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

14-5 Infectious Diseases Designated as Notifiable at the National Level: United States

15 Health Organizations and Resources
   15-1 General Resources
   15-2 Professional Organizations
           Nursing Organizations
           Medical Organizations
           Dental Organizations
           Allied Health Organizations
   15-3 Poison Control Centers
16 Diagnosis-Related Groups
   16-1 Major Diagnostic Categories
   16-2 List of Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs)
17 Nursing Diagnoses
   17-1 NANDA-Approved Nursing Diagnoses and Definitions
   17-2 NANDA Nomenclature Conversion
   17-3 Taxonomy II: Domains, Classes, Diagnostic Concepts, and Diagnoses
   17-4 Nursing Diagnoses Relevant to Diseases, Disorders, and Procedures
18 Nursing Interventions Classification
   18-1 Steps for Implementing NIC in a Clinical Practice Agency
   18-2 NIC Interventions
19 Nursing Outcomes Classification
   19-1 Steps for Implementing NOC in a Clinical Practice Setting
   19-2 NOC Outcomes

20 Omaha Classification System