ElsevierElsevier: Saunders, Mosby, Churchill Livingstone, Butterworth-Heinemann
Veterinary Medicine
Manuscript Proposals

Guidelines for Submission

The preliminary materials you send to us will be evaluated very carefully by Mosby staff and by selected reviewers.  When writing your proposal, keep two objectives in mind:

  1. Convey accurate and specific information about your manuscript, and
  2. Convince both publisher and reviewers that your project has merit.

Think about what information you would need to know about a project if you were making the decision or recommendation as a reviewer as to whether a contract should be offered for the proposed project.

So that we may properly evaluate your project, your proposal should contain these four items:
  1. A prospectus
  2. A detailed table of contents for the book
  3. Sample chapters
  4. A copy of your curriculum vitae

Once your packet is complete, please mail to:  
Veterinary Medicine
11830 Westline Industrial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146

Note: If you would like to submit a manuscript proposal for another subject area, simply replace "veterinary medicine" with the specific title of your subject area. Your submission will be routed to the appropriate editor.

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