Key Features

Gynecology & Women's HealthPhysicians are interested in learning procedures from mediums complementary to textbooks in their ability to deliver motion video and animation in addition to text and stills. Wigton provides physicians with a product that allows them the same hands-on experience as they might have at a highly priced procedures course under the tutelage of an authority. This CD-ROM provides essentially the same experience and the same continuing education credits in a product that allows users to learn at their own pace, as many times as they need, and to become familiar with the performance of clinical procedures.

The CD-ROM covers procedures in women’s health, presented clearly and thoroughly so that primary care physicians can readily master or review the procedures. Videos of experienced operators doing the complete procedures clearly demonstrate how to do it. The videos, which also include special tests and techniques, are presented along with a text complete with many diagrams and illustrations showing the critical features of the procedure. Those doing the procedure for the first time can choose an in-depth presentation of the background, theory, anatomy and details of the procedures, while the experienced physician can go to the summaries and videos for a quick review of the major points.

There are separate chapters covering pelvic exam, pap smear, examination of vaginal secretions colposcopy and breast examination. Videos show unique and helpful views of the overall procedure and the views through the colposcope, where applicable. There are helpful review questions with feedback, to help test learning as well as a quiz for CME credit.